Carol A Mullen Author & Editor

Carol A. Mullen is an associate professor of leadership studies at the University of South Florida. She specializes in graduate student development, innovative forms of mentorship and collaboration, the process of principal preparation, and exemplary leadership within challenging school contexts. She teaches a variety of master's and doctoral courses, in addition to supervising a large group of dissertation writers within a thriving cohort called the Writers-in-Training (WITS). Mullen has published over 98 journal articles and book chapters, and, as guest editor, 11 special issues of academic journals [most recently, Journal of School Leadership, (ScarecrowEducation), Journal of Curriculum Theorizing, Teacher Education Quarterly, and Qualitative Inquiry]. Additionally, Mullen has published four other books; Breaking the Circle of One: Redefining Mentorship in the Lives and Writings of Educators ["Exemplary Research in Teacher Education Award" winner, from the American Educational Research Association (Division K) in 1998], New Directions in Mentoring: Creating a Culture of Synergy, The Postmodern Educator: Arts-Based Inquiries and Teacher Development, and Imprisoned Selves: An Inquiry into Prisons and Academe. Dr. Mullen is recipient of the 2005 Florida Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (FASCD) Excellence Award. The category in which she was recognized is Excellence in Instructional Supervision.