Carmen R Santos Editor

Carmen R. Santos, University of Leon, Spain.

Stéphane Ganassali, University of Savoie, France.

Francesco Casarin, University of Venice, Italy.

Pirjo Laaksonen, University of Vaasa, Finland.

Hans-Ruediger Kaufmann completed his sponsored PhD in 1997 and was as research assistant and then lecturer (p-t) at Manchester Metropolitan University After extensive experience in German Bank Management. Later, he worked in Budapest, first as Course Director Marketing for the Chartered Institute of Marketing and then as an Assistant Professor in Marketing at the International Management Centre Budapest as well as a contractual consultant. At the University of Applied Sciences Liechtenstein he was Academic Director Private Banking and, later, Head of the Competence Centre International Management. Since October 2006 he is an Associate Professor at the University of Nicosia. He has been a launching member and President (2007-2009) of the international research network on consumer behaviour, CIRCLE. He is currently Vice-President of the EuroMed Research Business Institute (EMBRI). He is member of the editorial board of a variety of journals and an Associate Editor of the World Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and Sustainable Development.