Carmen Marimon-Llorca Editor & Author

The Editors: Victoria Guillén-Nieto has been the head of the Department of English Studies at the University of Alicante since 2003. As a senior lecturer in this department, she has been lecturing in applied linguistics and English for specific purposes, on both graduate and postgraduate courses, for over twenty years. Nowadays, she coordinates the official Master’s in English and Spanish for Specific Purposes at the IULMA.
Carmen Marimón-Llorca is a senior lecturer in the Department of Spanish Studies at the University of Alicante. Her recent publications deal with rhetoric and discourse, and pragmatic analysis in Spanish. She is also a member of the research group EPA (Spanish for Professional and Academic Purposes) at the IULMA.
Chelo Vargas-Sierra is a senior lecturer in the Department of English Studies at the University of Alicante. She has mainly done research interminology/terminography, corpus linguistics, and specialized translation.