Carmen García Mateo Editor

Carmen García-Mateo is a professor in the Department of Signal Theory and Communications of the University of Vigo (Spain) and the director of the Multimedia Research Group (GTM). Her research interests include Speech Technology, Audio Segmentation and Biometrics. She was the recipient of the '2014 Xunta de Galicia Josefa Wonenburger Award' for her outstanding career in the fields of science and technology. She received her PhD Degree from the Technical University of Madrid, Spain. Gérard Chollet is VP of Research at Intelligent Voice, UK. His main research interests include Phonetics, Automatic Audio-Visual Speech Processing, Spoken Dialog Systems, Multimedia, Pattern Recognition, Biometrics, Privacy-Preserving Digital Signal Processing, Speech Pathology and Speech Training Aids. In 1983, he joined a newly created CNRS research unit at ENST (Telecom-ParisTech within the Institut Mines-Telecom). In 1992 he was asked to participate in the development of IDIAP, a new research laboratory of the Fondation Dalle Molle in Martigny, Switzerland. In July 2012 the CNRS granted him an emeritus status. He holds a PhD Degree in Computer Science and Linguistics from the University of California, Santa Barbara, USA.