High-Performance Eco-Efficient Concrete
3 contributors - Hardback
Jorge de Brito is a full professor of civil engineering in the Department of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georesources, Instituto Superior Técnico, University ofLisbon. His main research topic is sustainable construction, particularly on the use of recycled aggregates in concrete and mortars. He has participated in 20 competitively financed research projects (four as the principal investigator) and supervised 20 PhD and 150 MSc theses. He is the author of 3 previous books, 20 book chapters, 250 journal and 450 conference papers. He is the editor-in-chief of the Journal of Building Engineering, an associate editor of the European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, a member of the editorial boards of 15 other international journals and a member of the CIB, FIB, RILEM, IABMAS and IABSE organisations. Carlos Thomas is an Associate Professor at the Materials Science and Engineering Laboratory in the Civil Engineering School of the University of Cantabria, Spain. He received his International PhD with cum Laude and Extraordinary Doctorate Award in 2013. His research activity has focused on the evaluation of construction, demolition and industry wastes for the manufacture of recycled mortars and concrete. In the last five years, he has participated as Principal Investigator in 5 R&D projects and as a researcher in another 10 R&D projects, with both public and private funding, related to recycled materials. He is the author of 20 JCR papers, one of them certified as one of the 25 most downloaded in ScienceDirect, and more than 80 congress communications and conferences. He has undertaken research stays in France, Germany, Brazil, and Portugal, and he is one of the promoters of the "Spanish Recycled Concrete Network". César Medina is a reader of the Department of Construction of Civil Engineering, University of Extremadura, Spain. He earned his PhD. from the University of León in 2011. He has authored over 40 research articles in peer-reviewed journals, two books and nine book chapters. He is reviewer for more than 15 JCR-listed journals, including Cement and Concrete Composites, Construction and Building Materials and Journal of Cleaner Production. He sits on RILEM technical committees RAC and CCC and a number of standardisation committees under the auspices of Spain’s standardisation agency, UNE. He is Secretary to the University of Extremadura’s Research Institute for Sustainable Development (INTERRA) and convenor for the same university’s Construction materials, soil and environmental engineering (MATERIA) research group. He has been visiting scholar with the University of the West of Scotland, Heriot-Watt University and Ghent University. He served as principal investigator for a research project on industrial waste valorisation in the design of eco-concretes supported with European, national and regional funding. Francisco Agrela is an Assistant Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of Cordoba, Spain. He received his PhD in 2003 from the University of Cordoba. He is the author of over 40 research articles in peer-reviewed journals. He has published a chapter in the Handbook of Recycled Concrete and Demolition Waste (Woodhead). He collaborates with several journals as reviewer, including Construction and Building Materials (Elsevier), Waste Management (Elsevier), Materials and Design (Elsevier), Resources, Conservation and Recycling (Elsevier). He belongs to the RAC committee of RILEM and AFN-20 of TRB. He has visited and collaborated with several Universities such as the TU Delft, University Polytechnic of Hong Kong, University of Granada, and IST of Lisbon.