Carlos Moreno Editor & Author

Dr. Zaheer Allam holds a PhD in Humanities, a Master of Arts (Res), an MBA, and a Bachelor of Applied Science in Architectural Science from universities in Australia and the United Kingdom. Based in Mauritius, he is the Chairperson of the National Youth Environment Council (NYEC) and a board member of the Mauritius Renewable Energy Agency (MARENA) and works on several projects on the thematic of Smart Cities and on strategies dwelling in the increasing role of technology in Culture and the Society. Zaheer is also the African Representative of the International Society of Biourbanism (ISB), member of the Advisory Circle of the International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA), and a member of several other international bodies. He holds several awards and commendations and is the author of over 110 peer reviewed publications and author of 8 books about Smart, Sustainable and Future Cities. Full Professor of entrepreneurship at IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School, where he is director of the Entrepreneurship Territory Innovation research group (Chaire ETI), Past-President of French Academy of entrepreneurship and innovation, senior editor of Revue de l’entrepreneuriat (A in French national HCERES ranking), he is author or co-author of more than one hundred articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals, chapters or books. He works mainly on venturing processes, the strategies of Family Firms, and on the impact of institutions and culture on place entrepreneurship. Catherine Gall is the Executive Director of the Sorbonne based ETI Research. The laboratory (Entrepreneurship Territory Innovation) was created by Professors Carlos Moreno, Didier Chabaud and Florent Pratlong and specialized in challenging conventional city planning models. The ETI Lab is well known today for their “15-minute City Model”. Catherine is also an experienced creative design thinker, business leader and entrepreneur, as well as a member of the Responsible Leaders Network of the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt. Florent Pratlong, is the Vice President of Paris I Panthéon-Sorbonne University, looking at Entrepreneuriat and Partnerships, and is responsible for the Master of innovation management at the Sorbonne School of Management (Paris I) and Secretary at the Academy of Technology. He also participates in Club actions from Paris Directors of Innovation, he designed and deployed training programs in innovation, learning expeditions. Associate Professor at IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School, and Scientific Director of the Chair ‘Entrepreneurship Territory Innovation’, Carlos Moreno earned recognition as a scientist with an innovative mind, pioneer works and his unique approach on urban issues. He is also a scientific advisor of national and international figures of the highest level. He works at the heart of issues of international significance as a result of his research, bringing an innovative perspective on urban issues and offering solutions to the issues faced by the cities, metropolises and territories during the 21st century. Some of his concepts traveled the world: the Human Smart City, the 15mn City, the Territory of 30mn.