Carlos Largacha-Martinez Author & Editor

Ernst von Kimakowitz is passionate about strengthening the positive impact of business towards a more equitable and sustainable planet. He is founder of the Humanistic Management Center and co-founder of the Humanistic Management Network. Ernst holds a research position at the University of Lucerne, Switzerland and teaches at Universities around the globe.

Hanna Schirovsky holds a Franco-German double master´s degree in International Relations. She is dedicated to the question of how the search for and implementation of common values can succeed across cultural and religious boundaries.

Carlos Largacha-Martínez is Research Professor at the Fundación Universitaria del Area Andina at the School of Business, Colombia. He holds a Double-Doctorate in International Studies and Quantum Sociology from the University of Miami, US.

 Claus Dierksmeier is Professor for Globalization Ethics at the University of Tübingen, Germany. His areas of expertise include political, economic, and religious philosophy with focus on the theories of freedom and responsibility in the age of globality.Recent book publications are: Qualitative Freedom - Autonomy in Cosmopolitan Responsibility; and: Reframing Economic Ethics. The Philosophical Foundations of Humanistic Management.