Carlos Germán Belli Author

Carlos Germán Belli, born in Lima, Perú, in 1927, is considered one of the most prominent poets of his generation in Latin America and Spanish literature. He has published over twenty-five books, has received a Guggenheim grant, honored with the Pablo Neruda Prize in Ibero-American Poetry, and was nominated for the Nobel Prize in 2007. Karl Maurer (1948–2015) was professor of classics at the University of Dallas. He is the author of Interpolation in Thucydides and has translated works by Borges, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Jacob Balde, and Virgil, among others. Christopher Maurer is professor of Spanish at Boston University. He is editor and translator of Sebastian’s Arrows: Letters and Mementos of Salvador Dalí and Federico García Lorca, New Letters to a Young Poet by Joan Margarit, and The Complete Perfectionist by Juan Ramón Jiménez, all published by Swan Isle Press.