Creation and the God of Abraham
4 contributors - Paperback
David Burrell is Professor of Ethics and Development at Uganda Martyrs University. His previous publications include Faith and Freedom (2005), Friendship and Ways to Truth (2000) and Deconstructing Theodicy (2008). Carlo Cogliati is Spalding Fellow in Comparative Religion at Clare Hall, University of Cambridge. His research interests include modal theistic arguments in the three Abrahamic traditions, the theological significance of the notion of infinity, and analogy in theology and science. Janet Soskice is Professor of Philosophical Theology at the University of Cambridge. She is the author of Metaphor and Religious Language (1984), The Kindness of God (2008) and Sisters of Sinai (2009). William R. Stoeger is Staff Astrophysicist in the Vatican Observatory Research Group at the University of Arizona. He specializes in theoretical cosmology, gravitational physics, and interdisciplinary studies bridging the natural sciences, philosophy and theology.