Carla Curty Editor


List of Tables

Notes on Contributors

Introduction and Warning to the Reader
   Bruno Borja, Carla Curty, Jaime León and Maria Malta

part 1
How to Tell the History – Method, Thought and Versions in Dispute
1 Methodological Elements for the Organization of the History of Brazilian Economic Thought The Approach Of Controversies
   Carla Curty and Maria Malta

2 Interpreters of Brazil Influences on the Origin of Brazilian Economic Thought
   Carla Curty, Maria Malta and Bruno Borja

3 Controversy on the Economic History of Brazil Roberto Simonsen, Caio Prado Jr. and Celso Furtado
   Bruno Borja

part 2
Revolution, Development and Democracy: The Story of a Brazil That Could Have Been
4 Revisiting the Origins of the Controversy on the Brazilian Revolution A Debate between Octavio Brandão, Mario Pedrosa and Lívio Xavier
   Filipe Leite Pinheiro

5 Visions of the Brazilian Revolution Nelson Werneck Sodré, Caio Prado Jr and Florestan Fernandes
   Bruno Borja, Carla Curty and Jaime León

6 Underdevelopment and Dependency An Analysis of Celso Furtado’s Thought and Its Approach to Dependency Theory
   Wilson Vieira

7 Seeds of Brazilian Underdevelopment A Controversy on Property, Labor Force and Production
   Larissa Mazolli Veiga and Maria Malta

8 Restricted Democracy, Mass Democracy and the Crisis of the New Republic
   Jaime León and Maria Malta
