Intercultural Understanding After Wittgenstein
3 contributors - Hardback
Carla Carmona teaches Theory of Dialogue and Interculturality, East Asian Aesthetics and Epistemology at the University of Seville. She has specialized in social epistemology and the philosophy of Wittgenstein.
David Pérez-Chico is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Zaragoza (Spain) since 2006. His research focuses mainly on Wittgenstein, Stanley Cavell, Ernest Sosa, Ordinary Language Philosophy, Epistemology and on the intersection of Philosophy and Film. He has edited a good number of volumes and papers on those topics.
Chon Tejedor is Professor of Philosophy at the University of Valencia, Spain since 2017, having previously been Senior Lecturer at the University of Hertfordshire for four years and Lecturer at the University of Oxford for twelve, in the United Kingdom. She works on Wittgenstein, epistemology and ethics.