Carl Séan O'Brien Editor & Author

Carl Séan O'Brien is a Lecturer in the Department of Philosophy at Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg. He has published The Demiurge in Ancient Thought (Cambridge, 2015), and edited (with Jens Halfwassen and Tobias Dangel) Seele und Materie im Neuplatonismus (2016). Joh Dillon is Regius Professor of Greek (Emeritus) at Trinity College Dublin. His numerous publications include The Middle Platonists (1977), The Heirs of Plato (2003), Salt and Olives: Morality and Custom in Ancient Greece (2004), (with Sarah Klitenic Wear) Dionysius the Areopagite and the Neoplatonist Tradition: Despoiling the Hellenes (2007) and The Roots of Platonism: The Origins and Chief Features of a Philosophical Tradition (Cambridge, 2019). In addition he edited (with A. A. Long) The Question of 'Eclecticism: Studies in Later Greek Philosophy (1988) and translated Alcinous, The Handbook of Platonism (1993). He received a Gold Medal from the Royal Irish Academy in 2005.