Canan Balkir Editor

Canan Balkir is Jean Monnet Chair in European Economic Integration and Professor of Economics in the Department of EU Studies at Dokuz Eylul University. Her current research interests include knowledge transfer in innovation networks, economics of international retirement migration, and EU–Turkey trade issues. Her publications include International Economic Integration: Theory, Policy and Practice – EU and Others (Bilgi University Publications, 2010), ‘Turkey, the new destination for international retirement migration’ (with B. Kirkulak) in Migration and Mobility in Europe: Trends, Patterns and Control, edited by H. Fassmann, M. Haller and D. Lane (Edward Elgar, 2009), and ‘Economics and the politicisation of civil society: the Turkish-Cypriot case’ (with G. Yalman) in Cyprus: A Conflict at the Crossroads, edited by N. Tocci and T. Diez (Manchester University Press, 2009). H. Tolga Bolukbasi is Assistant Professor of Political Science and Public Administration at Bilkent University. His current research interests include political economy of economic policy choice, new institutionalisms, Europeanisation of socio-economic governance in Turkey and elite attitudes in Turkey towards EU–Turkey relations. His publications include ‘Political economy’ in Routledge Handbook of Modern Turkey (2012), edited by M. Heper and S. Sayari, ‘Of context, interaction and temporality: historical institutionalism and Turkey’s approach to the ENP and the UfM’ (with S. Ozcurumez) in Comparative European Politics (2011) and ‘On consensus, constraint, and choice: economic and monetary integration and Europe’s welfare states’ in Journal of European Public Policy (2009). Ebru Ertugal is currently visiting researcher at Bilkent University. She was formerly Jean Monnet Chair in European Integration Studies and assistant professor in international relations and the EU at Izmir University of Economics. Her current research interests include comparative regional policy and governance, Europeanisa-tion of public policies and Turkey–EU relations. Her publications include ‘Europeanization and institutional change: explaining regional policy reforms in Turkey’ in Policy and Politics (2011), ‘Europeanization and multi-level governance in Turkey’ in Southeast European and Black Sea Studies (2010) and ‘Dynamics of regionalisation and the impact of the EU: comparing regional reforms in Romania and Turkey’(with A. M. Dobre) in Europe–Asia Studies (2011).