Person-Centred Therapy
Campbell Purton - Paperback
Campbell Purton has written extensively on focusing and focusing-oriented therapy. He studied philosophy and the history and philosophy of science in London and Alberta, and holds a PhD in philosophy. He was a lecturer in philosophy before training as a person-centred counsellor and becoming interested in Gendlin’s focusing-oriented therapy. He introduced focusing to the University of East Anglia’s counselling diploma course, and was later Director of the UEA postgraduate diploma/MA course in focusing and experiential psychotherapy. He has continued to work in the philosophy of therapy and was involved in setting up the first focusing-oriented therapy training course in China. His books include Person-Centred Counselling: The focusing-oriented approach, The Trouble with Psychotherapy: Counselling and common sense, and Self-Therapy: A focusing-oriented approach. Some of his other publications can be found on his website at www.dwelling.me.uk