Camille Licate Author

An Ohio woman with a passion for saving animals and the planet, Camille Licate has created a multi-media educational platform that empowers kids to take positive action for a brighter future. Named a global changemaker, she's the writer, producer, and host of the PBS kids show Kids for Positive Change, airing on WQLN PBS, and guest speaker at schools across the nation.Camille has taught children, teens, young adults, and adults how to curb climate change, make sustainable choices, and share knowledge through community action with her highly sought-after environmental program, Kids for Positive Change.Her work has been recognized by Dr. Jane Goodall, Roots and Shoots Youth Movement and the Pollination Project. Camille's new children's book, Bree and Me : A True Story of a Rescue Rooster Journey, aligns with her humane education program, Wake Up with Bree.With Bree, the Rescue Rooster by her side, Camille continues to amplify children's voices for positive change for animals, people, and the planet!Learn more at