Camilla Devitt Editor

Ellen M. Immergut is Professor of Political Science and Head of the Department of Political and Social Science at the European University Institute. She has published on health politics, pension politics, and more generally on welfare state reform and institutionalist theory. She served as Project Leader for the HEALTHDOX Project on the Paradox of Healthcare Futures and as Scientific Programme Coordinator for the transnational research program Welfare State Futures (WSF), which was launched by the New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Co-operation in Europe (NORFACE). Karen M. Anderson is Associate Professor of Social Policy at University College Dublin. Her research focuses on comparative social policy development, the interaction of labor market policy and social policy, and the impact of Europeanization on national welfare states. She is the author of Social Policy in the European Union (Palgrave, 2015) and the editor (with Ellen M. Immergut and Isabelle Schulze) of the Handbook of West European Pension Politics (Oxford University Press, 2007). Her work has also appeared in Comparative Politics, the Journal of European Public Policy, and the Journal of Public Policy. Camilla Devitt is Assistant Professor in the Sociology Department, Trinity College Dublin. She has published on labor immigration and on immigration, integration, labor market, and social policies in Western Europe. Her work has appeared in Social Politics, the Journal of European Social Policy, and the Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies amongst others. She has been a principal investigator in various European projects, most recently in the NORFACE-funded HEALTHDOX: The Paradox of Health State Futures project. Tamara Popic is a Max Weber Fellow at the European University Institute and was a postdoctoral researcher for the NORFACE Welfare State Futures project HEALTHDOX: The Paradox of Health State Futures at the University of Lisbon. Popic has published on health politics and public attitudes toward healthcare in Health Policy, the Journal of European Social Policy, the Journal of Social Policy, and Social Policy & Administration. Her first research monograph, Health Reforms in Post-Communist Eastern Europe, is forthcoming with Palgrave.