Byron Rempel Author

Byron Rempel was born in a Mennonite village in Manitoba around the time Marilyn Monroe sang Happy Birthday for JFK. Following the publication of Byrons first novel in 1997, he sold his horse and buggy and became a full-time writer. This is not exactly true, particularly the bit about the buggy. He has never owned a buggy, and until recently never imagined living with a horse. In fact, before publishing any books he was a penniless rogue and neer do well who was prepared to do anything to see the world. A curiousity about animals (not excluding equines) led to his work with a Parisian circus (la cirque Massila), followed by a turn as assistant elephant caretaker for a travelling Italian circus (il Circo Medrano). A fascination for jungle life led to a gig as writer-in-residence for a Maya archaeological dig in Belize. Byron Rempel now divides his time between the wild pleasures of animal studies, and the more domestic passion for sitting alone in small rooms writing words most people will never see. He has nevertheless amassed a loyal following, evidenced by his sales of more than 24 books in his hometown alone.