Burt Perrin Editor & Author

Burt Perrin is an independent consultant and recognized leader in the evaluation field internationally, with publications including evaluation and bureaucracy, meaningful approaches to accountability, how to make evaluation useful, and evaluation of innovation. He has over 40 years’ practical experience assisting governments and other organizations internationally, more recently providing expert advice and quality assurance regarding planning, evaluation management and activities, and related services.

Tony Tyrrell is an independent consultant with more than 25 years’ experience in evaluation and related fields. Tony’s early experience in evaluation was with the European Social Fund Evaluation Unit where he produced influential evaluations various subjects including early school leaving and local development. Tony later worked with a number of private consulting firms on strategic, policy, and program evaluation and on performance management. More recently he spent six years with the Independent Evaluation Group at the World Bank Group (WBG) where he worked on various strategic, thematic, and country evaluations. Tony now works as an independent consultant with various clients including the WBG, the Asian Development Bank, 3ie and others. Tony holds an MSc in Management (Organization Behavior), and an MA in English Literature.