Death, Despair & Other Happy Endings
Bunbury Writers Group - Paperback
The Bunbury Writers Group was incorporated as a Not For Profit organisation in Bunbury, Western Australia in 2019. A collaboration of over two dozen amateur, keen-amateur, semi-professional and professional writers, they meet on a fortnightly basis in a local licensed cafe, Caf-fez, a charming and holistically-with-the-Muses spot that inspires them to share and swap stories, poems, plays and ideas. The licensed status of the place also helps immeasurably. An open invitation to all writers in the area is always extended and the main aim of the group is to inspire writers of all abilities and backgrounds to share in the passion of words and the magic of stories, in whatever form they are told. Come and follow us on our Facebook page 'Bunbury Writers Group' or on our Instagram account, bunbury_writers_group. If you want more information contact us through our email: bwg [at] bookreality [dot] com Or simply come along to one of our regular meetings held in the marvellous Caf-fez, Bunbury WA 6230.