What Astrology is and How To Use it
Bruce Scofield - Paperback
Bruce Scofield began a lifelong study of astrology in 1967 and since the mid 1970s has been an astrological consultant specializing in psychological analysis, relationships and electional astrology. He is the author of, or contributor to, many books and a large number of articles on astrology and other topics. He has served on the education committee of the National Center for Geocosmic Research (NCGR) since 1979 as both member and director, presently serving as president of the Professional Astrologers Alliance (PAA), has Level 4 certification from NCGR-PAA, professional certification from American Federation of Astrologers and holds an M.A. in history and a Ph.D. in geosciences. Since 2000 he has taught science at the University of Massachusetts and astrology-related courses for Kepler College. His website www.onereed.com contains information on Mesoamerican astrology and other topics.