Bruce D Sales Author

Bruce D. Sales, PhD, JD, is the Virginia L. Roberts Professor of Criminal Justice at Indiana University, Bloomington, USA. Some of his recent APA books include The Science of Attorney Advocacy (with J. Findley, 2012), Courtroom Modifications for Child Witnesses (with S. Hall, 2008), Sex Offending (with J. Stinson & J. Becker, 2008), Scientific Jury Selection (with J. Lieberman, 2007), Criminal Profiling (with S. Hicks, 2006; Italian translation, 2009), and Experts in Court (with D. Shuman, 2005; Korean translation, 2009). Professor Sales, the first editor of the journals Law and Human Behavior and Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, is a fellow of APA and the Association for Psychological Science, an elected member of the American Law Institute, and twice served as president of the American Psychology–Law Society. He received the Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology and Law from the American Psychology–Law Society, the Award for Distinguished Professional Contributions to Public Service from APA, a Presidential Citation for Distinguished Service to APA, and an honorary doctor of science degree from John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York, USA for being the ""founding father of forensic psychology as an academic discipline.""

Daniel A. Krauss, JD, PhD, completed a joint degree program in psychology and law at the University of Arizona, USA, receiving his JD and then his PhD in clinical psychology and psychology, policy, and law. He is a full professor and chair of the Department of Psychology at Claremont McKenna College, USA. Professor Krauss has published a large number of research articles and book chapters relating to clinical psychological evaluations for the courts, legal and psychological expertise, evidentiary admissibility standards, and juries' ability to process complex expert testimony in their decision making. He is the co-author of the textbook Forensic and Legal Psychology. He has also coedited three books (Jury Psychology: Volume 1. Social Aspects of the Trial Process; Jury Psychology: Volume 2. Psychological Expertise in Court; and Expert Testimony for the Courts) and is the coeditor of the book series Law and Public Policy: Psychology and the Social Sciences published by APA. Professor Krauss is licensed to practice law in Arizona, is a member of the U.S. Supreme Court Bar, and has served as the U.S. Supreme Court Fellow to the U.S. Sentencing Commission. He is a licensed clinical psychologist in the state of California and a diplomate in forensic psychology, board certified by the American Board of Professional Psychology. He was awarded the Early Career Research Award by the Western Psychological Association.