Brian Walter Author

Donald Harington was born in Little Rock, Arkansas and lost much of his hearing at age twelve due to meningitis. He taught art history in New York City, New England, and South Dakota and, finally, for twenty-two years, at the University of Arkansas. He was the author of fifteen novels and the winner of the Oxford American Lifetime Award for Contributions to Southern Literature, the Robert Penn Warren Award for Fiction, and the Porter Prize for Literary Excellence. Harington achieved more critical than commercial success in his career while always attracting a devoted cult following. The poet Fred Chappell once told the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, “Don Harington is not an underappreciated novelist. He is an undiscovered continent.”

Brian Walter is professor of English at St. Louis College of Pharmacy and the director of Stay More: The World of Donald Harington, and Farther Along: The World of Donald Harington, Part 2. He also appears as an “old coot” interviewer in the last chapter of Harington’s final novel, Enduring.