Brian Lovins Author

Edward J. Latessa isProfessor and Director of the School of Criminal Justice at the University of Cincinnati. He received his PhD from Ohio State University in 1979 and was a student of Harry E. Allen. Dr. Latessa has published over 170 works in the area of criminal justice, corrections, and juvenile justice. He is co-author of eight books, including What Works (and Doesn’t) in Reducing Recidivism, Corrections in the Community, and Corrections in America. He has directed more than 195 funded research projects, including studies of day reporting centers, juvenile justice programs, drug courts, prison programs, intensive supervision programs, halfway houses, and drug programs. Latessa and his staff have also assessed over 1,000 correctional programs throughout the United States, and he has provided assistance and workshops in 48 states. Latessa served as President of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (1989-90). He has also received several awards including the Ernest Talbert House Award (2018); the Lifetime Achievement Award from Rite of Passage (2018); the William T. Rossiter Award from the Forensic Mental Health Association of California (2017); the Marguerite Q. Warren and Ted B. Palmer Differential Intervention Awardpresented by the Division of Corrections and Sentencing of the American Society of Criminology (2010); the Outstanding Community Partner Award from the Arizona Department of Juvenile Corrections (2010); the Maud Booth Correctional Services Award in recognition of dedicated service and leadership presented by the Volunteers of America (2010); the Community Hero Awardpresented by Community Resources for Justice (2010); the Bruce Smith Sr. Award for outstanding contributions to criminal justice by the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (2010); the George Beto Scholar, College of Criminal Justice, Sam Houston State University (2009); the Mark O. Hatfield Scholar Award for contributions in public policy research by the Hatfield School of Government at Portland State University (2008); the Outstanding Achievement Award by the National Juvenile Justice Court Services Association (2007); the August Vollmer Award from the American Society of Criminology (2004); the Simon Dinitz Criminal Justice Research Award from the Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction (2002); the Margaret Mead Award for dedicated service to the causes of social justice and humanitarian advancement by the International Community Corrections Association (2001); the Peter P. Lejins Research Award from the American Correctional Association (1999); the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences (ACJS) Fellow Award (1998); the ACJS Founders Award (1992); and the Dr. Simon Dinitz award by the Ohio Community Corrections Organization (now The Ohio Justice Alliance for Community Corrections). In 2013 Latessa was identified as one of the most innovative people in criminal justice by a national survey conducted by the Center for Court Innovation in partnership with the Bureau of Justice Assistance and the U.S. Department of Justice.

Brian Lovins is a Research Fellow for the University of Cincinnati’s School of Criminal Justice as well as the Assistant Director for Harris County Community Supervision and Corrections Department. He earned his PhD in Criminology from the University of Cincinnati, School of Criminal Justice. Dr. Lovins has published over 20 peer reviewed articles and book chapters in the area of corrections, risk assessment, and juvenile justice. In addition to his work in Harris County, he is currently the Co-Editor for the American Probation and Parole Association’s (APPA) Perspectives journal. He has contributed to the national discourse with his work in developing a non-proprietary juvenile risk assessment (Ohio Youth Assessment System: OYAS) and adult risk assessment (Ohio Risk Assessment System: ORAS), as well as redesigning juvenile and adult correctional programs to meet evidence-based standards. Lovins routinely assists community corrections agencies in developing and implementing risk assessment and the delivery of cognitive-behavioral interventions. Lovins has received the Dr. Simon Dinitz Award from The Ohio Justice Alliance for Community Corrections for his work and dedication in helping correctional agencies adopt evidence-based programs, as well as the Distinguished Alumnus Award from the University of Cincinnati.