Theorizing Mediated Information Distortion
Brian H Spitzberg - Paperback
William R. Cupach received his Ph.D. in Communication Arts & Sciences from the University of Southern California. Currently he is Professor of Communication at Illinois State University. In addition to numerous monographs and journal articles, he has co-authored or co-edited twelve books. He previously served as Associate Editor for the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships and is a past President of the International Association for Relationship Research.
Brian H. Spitzberg received his Ph.D. in Communication Arts & Sciences from the University of Southern California. He is now a Professor in the School of Communication at San Diego State University. He has conducted extensive research on topics related to interpersonal communication skills and competence. He has published numerous scholarly articles and chapters, as well as co-authoring or co-editing the previous four editions related to the dark side, and two books on interpersonal competence.