Brian Forst Author & Editor

Brian Forst joined the American University faculty after twenty years in nonprofit research, including positions such as research director at the Institute for Law and Social Research and the Police Foundation. He is the author most recently of Terrorism, Crime, and Public Policy (Cambridge University Press, 2009), After Terror (with Akbar Ahmed, 2005), Errors of Justice: Nature, Sources, and Remedies (Cambridge University Press, 2004) and The Privatization of Policing: Two Views (with Peter Manning, 1999). He is a member of the American University Senate and chairs the Department of Justice, Law, and Society's doctoral program. He is also a voting member of the Sentencing Commission for the District of Columbia. Jack R. Greene is Professor and former Dean of the College of Criminal Justice at Northeastern University, where he led academic and research programs focused on matters of criminology and justice policy (1999 to 2008). He is one of the country's leading scholars in the field of policing. Greene has published five books, the two-volume Encyclopedia of Police Science, and more than 100 research articles, book chapters, research reports and policy papers on matters of policing in the United States and internationally. Professor Greene has consulted for various agencies and organizations and is a Fellow of the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences. James P. Lynch is Director of the Bureau of Justice Statistics, on leave from his position as Distinguished Professor at John Jay College in New York. He is the co-author of Understanding Crime Statistics (Cambridge University Press, with Lynn A. Addington), Understanding Crime Incidence Statistics: Why the UCR Diverges from the NCS (with Albert D. Biderman) and Immigration the World Over: Statutes, Policies, and Practices (with Rita J. Simon). Professor Lynch has published in many journals, including Criminology, the Journal of Quantitative Criminology and Justice Quarterly.