Cities and Economy in Europe
3 contributors - Paperback
Katalin Szende is a Professor at the Department of Medieval Studies at the Central European University. Her previous publications include Trust, Authority and the Written Word in the Royal Towns of Medieval Hungary (2018) and Medieval East Central Europe in a Comparative Perspective. From Frontier Zones to Lands in Focus (2016) Erika Szívós is Associate Professor of History at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest. Her previous publications include Social History of Fine Arts in Hungary, 1867-1918 (2011) Boglárka Weisz is a Post-Doc at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary.
Erika Szívós is Professor of History at the Department of Economic and Social History at Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE), Budapest. The focus of her research and teaching is Central European social, cultural, and urban history. One of her recent publications is “The Historic City and the East-West Exchange: Architecture, Urban Renewal and International Knowledge Transfers under State Socialism in Hungary” (Urban History, 29 (2022:3): 523–548).
Boglárka Weisz is Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Medieval History Department at the Institute of History of the Research Centre for the Humanities and leader of the “Lendület” Medieval Hungarian Economic History Research Group. Her main research interests are economic and urban history in medieval Hungary. Her previous publications include Markets and Staples in the Medieval Hungarian Kingdom (2020); ed. Fontes ad rem mercatoriam regni Hungariae pertinentes I. De commerciis domesticis (2020), II. De commerciis externis (2021).