Technology and Medical Practice
Boel Berner - Paperback
Jane Summerton, sociologist of technology, is associate professor at the Department of Technology and Social Change, Linköping University, Sweden. Her previous work has focussed on managerial and user practices in sociotechnical networks and systems, particularly in relation to energy and environmental issues. Her current research concerns 'non-user' practices in technology and their intersections with socio-economic resources, ethnicity and gender.
Boel Berner, sociologist and historian, is professor at the Department of Technology and Social Change, Linköping University, Sweden. Her research has focussed on the identities and practices of technical experts, in work, education and in relation to risk, and on questions of gender and technology. Her most recent books in English are Gendered Practices (ed. 1996) and Manoeuvring in an Environment of Uncertainty (ed. with Per Trulsson, 2000)