Bo Hedberg Author

Bo Hedberg is currently Professor of Management and Chairman of thePhD Program at Stockholm School of Business, Stockholm University.He has worked as a consultant to, among others, The World Bank,IBM, Daimler-Benz and Skandia Insurance Group. His specialist areasinclude organizational learning and design, management informationsystems, service management and virtual organizations. GöranDahlgren took his PhD at the Stockholm School of Economics. As aconsultant, he has advised companies on marketing and strategicchange. He is the author of several books in Swedish. JörgenHansson worked as personnel director of leading Swedishcorporations and is now a consultant, mainly supporting companiesin their development of competitive HR strategies linked to theirbusiness. He has written in the area of human resources andmanagement development. Nils-Göran Olve is Adjunct Professorat Linköping University. He worked extensively in managementtraining, including acting as director of international managementprogrammes. As a consultant, his work currently concentrates onmanagement control issues, in particular the Balanced Scorecard andmanagement of IT. All four authors are senior partners in CEPROManagement Consultants in Stockholm.