Bjorn Erik Rasch Editor

Jon Elster is Robert K. Merton Professor of Social Science, Department of Political Science at Columbia University, New York, and the 2016 recipient of the Skytte Prize in Political Science. He has authored more than twenty monographs, most recently Securities against Misrule (2013), and is currently preparing a comparative analysis of the Federal Convention and the first French Constituent Assembly. Roberto Gargarella has written and edited more than twenty books, including Latin American Constitutionalism, 1810–2010 (2013) and The Legal Foundations of Inequality (Cambridge, 2010). He has been awarded a John Guggenheim Foundation grant, a Harry Frank Guggenheim grant, and a Fulbright grant. He has been a Visiting Professor in Universities in Latin America, Europe and the United States. Vatsal Naresh is a Ph.D. student at Yale University, Connecticut, and focuses on democratic theory, political violence, and constitution-making. Bjørn Erik Rasch has written or edited thirteen books, most recently Parliaments and Government Formation: Unpacking Investiture Rules (2015), and numerous journal articles in comparative politics and political economy.