Bing Li Author & Editor

Bing Li is Verne M. Wallaman Professor of Statistics at Pennsylvania State University. He is the author of Sufficient Dimension Reduction: Methods and Applications with R (2018). Dr. Li has served as an associate editor for The Annals of Statistics and is currently serving as an associate editor for Journal of the American Association.

G. Jogesh Babu is a distinguished professor of statistics, astronomy, and astrophysics, as well as director of the Center for Astrostatistics, at Pennsylvania State University. He was the 2018 winner of the Jerome Sacks Award for Cross-Disciplinary Research. He and his colleague Dr. E.D. Feigelson coined the term "astrostatistics," when they co-authored a book by the same namein 1996. Dr. Babu's numerous publications also include Statistical Challenges in Modern AstronomyV (with Feigelson, Springer 2012) and Modern Statistical Methods for Astronomy with R Applications (2012).