Recent Trends in Image Processing and Pattern Recognition
2 contributors - Paperback
Ms. Priyanka Abhang has completed her M.Sc. (IT) (2009). She is presently working as a Ph.D. candidate under the guidance of Dr. Bharti Gawali, Professor in Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (MS), India. Research area entitles as “Study and analysis of emotion recognition through EEG images and speech processing. Dr. Bharti W. Gawali has completed M. Sc. Computer science (1998), Ph. D. (2007), SET (2003). She is presently working as a Professor in Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University, Aurangabad (MS), India. More than 60 research papers in reputed journals. She has successfully completed three major research projects on BCI and Speech Processing. She is associated with various professional bodies like FIETE, FIAENG and FISCA etc. Her field of specification are Data compression, Speech and Speaker Recognition, Human computer Interaction, Emotion Recognition, Signature Recognition, Brain Computer Interface, GIS and remote sensing, Medical Image Processing. Dr. Suresh Chandra Mehrotra has completed M. Sc. Physics (1970), Ph.D. (1975), Post Doctorate (Welch Foundation Fellow) (1974-75). Now his designation as Srinivasa Ramanujan Geospatial Chair Professor. He is recipient of Career Award, FOM, Alexander Von Humboldt Fellowship, F.N.A.Sc. He is a fellow and life member of Indian Physics Association (IPA), Indian Laser Association (ILA), Indian Science Congress Association, and IETE. He has also been awarded with Best Teacher Award from Maharashtra (MS) state. More than 239 research papers are published in reputed journals and conferences, and 5 books to his credit. He has organized 7 conferences/workshop and seminar as Chairman/Convener. He has successfully completed Eight Research Project. His fields of specializations are Microwaves Interaction with Matter, Time Domain Spectroscopy Pattern Recognition, Brain Computer Interfacing, Medical Instrumentation, Human Computer Interface, Speech Processing, Signal Processing, Remote sensing and GIS, Hyper Spectral Image Processing.