Devastating Losses
4 authors - Paperback
William Feigelman, PhD, is Professor Emeritus and Adjunct Professor of Sociology at Nassau Community College (Garden City, New York), where he has taught for more than 44 years and still teaches part-time. Author and co-author of six books and more than 40 journal articles, he has written on a wide variety of social science subjects including child adoptions, youth alcohol and drug abuse, problem gambling, tobacco use and cessation, and intergroup relations. Since 2002, after his son Jesse's suicide, Dr. Feigelman has focused his professional writings on youth suicide and suicide bereavement. This work has appeared in Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, Death Studies, Omega: Journal of Death and Dying and Illness, Crisis and Loss. He is a member of the American Association of Suicidology and the Association for Death Education and Counseling, a frequent presenter at bereavement conferences in the U.S., Canada, and Japan, and a co-facilitator of a survivors' support group
|||Beverly Feigelman, ACSW, is Adjunct Professor of Social Work at Adelphi University (Garden City, New York). She also maintains a private psychotherapy practice, providing family and individual counseling. She is an educational consultant for the Bellmore-Merrick (Long Island, New York) School District, training graduate social work students for work in secondary school settings. Ms. Feigelman is a member of various suicide prevention organizations, including the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, SPAN-USA, and the American Association of Suicidology, and a co-facilitator of a survivors' support group. She is also author or co-author of several articles on suicide bereavement, addiction treatment, and social work education. Ms. Feigelman often presents on these topics at professional conferences. She is also Chairperson of the Long Island Chapter of the Association for the Advancement of Social Work with Groups