Beth Fisher-Yoshida Author & Editor

The Editors: Beth Fisher-Yoshida, Ph.D., is the Academic Director of the Masters of Science in Negotiation and Conflict Resolution and is on the faculty for the Continuing Education and the Social and Organizational Psychology Program at Teachers College, Columbia University. She is Managing Director of Fisher Yoshida International, a global consulting firm providing customized responses to organizational needs. Fisher-Yoshida is co-author of ‘Transnational Leadership Development’ (2009).
Kathy D. Geller, Ph.D., is Director of Organizational Effectiveness for Stanford University. Prior to joining Stanford, she lived in Asia for 10 years serving as Global Head of Management Development for Standard Chartered Bank and as Managing Director for Areté Leadership International. She has served as adjunct faculty at Columbia University’s Teachers College and Nova Southeastern University. Geller is co-author of ‘Transnational Leadership Development’ (2009).
Steven A. Schapiro, Ed.D., is a professor at Fielding Graduate University’s School of Human and Organization Development, where he coordinates the doctoral concentration in Transformative Learning for Social Justice, which brings together his interests in liberatory education, adult development, and social change. Among his publications are ‘«From andragogy to collaborative critical pedagogy»’, ‘Journal of Transformative Education’, 1(2), 2003; and ‘Higher Education for Democracy’ (Peter Lang, 1999).