Bertrand Henri Rihn Editor

Bertrand Henri Rihn, MD, DSc, professor of biochemistry and molecular biol-ogy  at  Lorraine  University,  France,  is  a  leading  expert  in  the  field  of  particulate  toxicology,  with  research  topics  including  safety  toxicology,  immunotoxicology,  and investigating the transcriptomic changes in macrophages following nanopar-ticle  exposure.  In  addition  to  his  research,  Professor  Rihn  has  also  worked  as  a  clinical toxicologist, and was awarded the Baratz Award (2004) and the E. Taub Award (2011) from the National Academy of Medicine (France). He also served as the president of the French Society of Toxicology from 2007 to 2009, and was a EUROTOX Registered Toxicologist.