Bert Weckhuysen Editor & Author

Bert Weckhuysen is Full Professor of Inorganic Chemistry and Catalysis at Utrecht University, The Netherlands, since 2001. He.received his master degree in chemical and agricultural engineering from Leuven University (Belgium) in 1991. After obtaining his PhD under the supervision of Prof. Schoonheydt at the same university in 1995, he worked as a postdoc with Prof. Wachs at Lehigh University (USA) and with Prof. Lunsford at Texas A&M University (USA) before joining Utrecht University in October 2001. He has been appointed as the first Distinguished Professor of the Faculty of Science at Utrecht University in 2012. Weckhuysen authored or co-authored around 340 publications, 21 book chapters and 8 patents/patent applications. He is the (co-) editor of three books. He serves on the editorial board of several journals (e.g. ChemCatChem) and received numerous research awards, including the 2011 Paul H. Emmett Award in Fundamental Catalysis of the North American Catalysis Society (NACS), the International Catalysis Award 2012 of the International Association of Catalysis Societies (IACS), the 2013 Vladimir N. Ipatieff Lectureship in Catalysis of the Northwestern University, the 2013 Royal Society of Chemistry Bourke Award and the 2013 Spinoza Award from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. Weckhuysen is scientific director of the Dutch Research School for Catalysis (NIOK) (since 2003) and of the research program CATCHBIO on Biomass Catalysis funded by the Dutch government and chemical industries (since 2007). His research interests are focused on the development and use of in-situ spectroscopic methods applied on heterogeneous catalysis, catalytic conversion of biomass to fuels and bulk chemicals, and molecular design of transition metal ion complexes in inorganic hosts for catalyst and sensor applications.