Bernt Rundberget Editor

Marianne Hem Eriksen (PhD Research Fellow, University of Oslo) primarily researches cognitive aspects of houses and households in Late Iron Age Scandinavia, and is currently investigating social and ritual aspects of doors. Dr. Unn Pedersen (Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oslo) is an archaeologist with specialisation in Viking-age non-ferrous metalworking, technology and crafts, her main research interests being urbanisation and metrology. Dr. Bernt Rundberget (Philosophiae Doctor, University of Oslo) specialises in Iron Age and Medieval Period iron production, his main area of research covers technology, extent, distribution as well as economical and political conditions of iron manufacture. Irmelin Axelsen (MA, University of Oslo) is an archaeologist with focus on late Iron Age and Medieval research discourse. Heidi Lund Berg (MA, University of Oslo) is an archaeologist with focus on Iron Age Skandinavia, specialised in key and locking technology.