Vergleichende Synonymik der französischen und englischen Sprache
Bernhard Schmitz - Hardback
Bernhard Schmitz, Prof. Dr., holds a full professorship at the department of psychology of the University of Technology, Darmstadt, Germany.He studied mathematics at the university of Düsseldorf and psychology at the University of Technology (TU) Berlin. Both studies he finished with a diploma.He got his doctoral degree at the Free University of Berlin, Germany, and his habilitation at the TU Berlin. He worked for more than 20 years at the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development in Berlin, former directors P.M. Roeder, Paul B. Baltes and J. Baumert.The research of B. Schmitz deals with trainings in self-regulation, diaries and time-series analyses and, now with positive psychology, especially with art-of-living.He published numerous articles and books about time-series and self-regulation. He is member of the editorial board of “Metacognition and Learning” and “Learning and Instruction”. He was for four years editor of the most important German psychological journal “Psychologische Rundschau”.