Bernhard Klingenberg Author

Alan Agresti is Distinguished ProfessorEmeritus in the Department of Statistics at the University of Florida. Hetaught statistics there for 38 years, including the development of threecourses in statistical methods for social science students and three courses incategorical data analysis. He is author of more than 100 refereed articles andsix texts, including Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences(Pearson, 5th edition, 2018) and An Introduction to Categorical DataAnalysis (Wiley, 3rd edition, 2019). He is a Fellow of the AmericanStatistical Association and recipient of an Honorary Doctor of Science from DeMontfort University in the UK. He has held visiting positions at HarvardUniversity, Boston University, the London School of Economics, and ImperialCollege and has taught courses or short courses for universities and companiesin about 30 countries worldwide. He has also received teaching awards from theUniversity of Florida and an excellence in writing award from John Wiley &Sons. Christine Franklin is the K-12 Statistics Ambassadorfor the American Statistical Association and elected ASA Fellow. She is retiredfrom the University of Georgia as the Lothar Tresp Honoratus Honors Professorand Senior Lecturer Emerita in Statistics. She is the co-author of two textbooks and has published more than 60journal articles and book chapters. Chris was the lead writer for AmericanStatistical Association Pre-K-12 Guidelines for the Assessment andInstruction in Statistics Education (GAISE) Framework document, co-chairfor the updated Pre-K-12 GAISE II, and chair of the ASA StatisticalEducation of Teachers (SET) report. She is a past Chief Reader for Advance Placement Statistics, a Fulbrightscholar to New Zealand (2015), recipient of the United States Conference onTeaching Statistics (USCOTS) Lifetime Achievement Award,  the ASA Founder’s award and an elected memberof the International Statistical Institute (ISI). Chris loves being with herfamily, running, hiking, scoring baseball games, and reading mysteries. Bernhard Klingenberg is Professor of Statistics in theDepartment of Mathematics & Statistics at Williams College, where he hasbeen teaching introductory and advanced statistics classes since 2004, and inthe Graduate Data Science Program at New College of Florida, where he enjoysteaching statistical inference and modeling as well as data visualization.Bernhard is responsible for the development of the web apps, which he programsusing the R package shiny. A native of Austria, Bernhard frequently returnsthere to hold visiting positions at universities and gives short courses oncategorical data analysis in Europe and the United States. He has publishedseveral peer-reviewed articles in statistical journals and consults regularlywith academia and industry. Bernhard enjoys photography (some of his picturesappear in this book), scuba diving, hiking state parks in Florida, and spendingtime with his wife and four children.