Bernardo Urbani Editor & Author

Bernardo Urbani is an Associate Researcher at the Center for Anthropology of the Venezuelan Institute for Scientific Research. His research interests are Neotropical primate ecology and behavior, history of primatology, ethnoprimatology/archaeoprimatology, and primate conservation. He has received the Early Career Achievement Award of the American Society of Primatologists and the Martha J. Galante Award of the International Society of Primatology. He has also been elected member of the Global Young Academy.
Manuel Lizarralde is an Associate Professor at the Department of Botany and Environmental Studies Program at Connecticut College. His principal research focus is the botanical and ecological knowledge of indigenous peoples of the tropical rainforest. His research focus is the Barí people of Venezuela with 34 months of fieldwork over the last 29 years.  He has also done ethnobotanical research with the Matsigenka of Peru and is the author of an index and map of South American indigenous languages.