Bernardo Bortolotti Author

Bernardo Bortolotti is Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Turin. He obtained a PhD in economics from the Catholic University of Louvain, and a Doctorate in Economics from the University of Siena. He is co-ordinator of the research unit 'Privatization, Regulation, Antitrust' at Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Milan. His research interests are in privatization, regulation, corporate governance, and auction theory. His work has been published in several international journals, such as the Journal of Public Economics, the International Review of Finance, and Telecommunication Policy. In 2002 he was made Secretary of the Italian Global Advisory Committee on Privatization. Domenico Siniscalco is the Director General of the Treasury of the Italian Ministry of Economics and Finance. He is Professor of Economics at the University of Turin and former Managing Director of Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei. He obtained a PhD in Economics from Cambridge University. He has published extensively in refereed journals in the fields of applied microeconomics, game theory, industrial organization, environmental economics, privatization, and corporate governance. He has sat on the Boards of several privatized companies.