Benoit Revil-Baudard Editor

Oana Cazacu is a Charles E. Taylor Professor of Mechanics in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the University of Florida’s Graduate Research Engineering and Education Center (UF/REEF). She has Habilitation and Doctoral degrees from University of Lille, France, and has been the recipient of visiting chair professorships in Europe and Australia She is currently the recipient of the Chair of Excellence in Mechanics at the University Carlos III of Madrid, Associate Editor of the International Journal of Material Forming, has edited or co-edited three books, and authored or co-authored over 130 refereed papers. Her main research interests are in theoretical solid mechanics with an emphasis on multiscale modelling of dissipative mechanisms in anisotropic materials. Major contributions include the development of widely-used anisotropic criteria for lightweight metals, now included in the built-in materials library of commercial and academic finite-element software. Benoit Revil-Baudard is a Research Scientist in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, University of Florida at UF/REEF. He holds a Doctoral degree from Ecole des Mines de Paris, and has co-authored a monograph, co-edited one book, and has authored or co-authored over 50 refereed papers and conference proceedings. He has extensive experience in computational solid mechanics, with an emphasis on modelling ductile behaviour. Of particular note are his accomplishments on the development and implementation of fully-implicit robust algorithms for integration of rate-dependent anisotropic elastic/plastic constitutive modelsand analysis of forming processes for hexagonal materials.