Ben Mijnheer Editor

Ben Mijnheer got his PhD at the University of Amsterdam on a study concerning standardization of neutron dosimetry. After working on a neutron therapy project in the Netherlands Cancer Institute (NKI) in Amsterdam, he joined this institution as a clinical physicist. Later he became Head of the Physics Department, Professor at Inholland University, and is until now involved in research projects and teaching activities at the NKI. He served for many years on the editorial board of Radiotherapy and Oncology and Medical Physics Journal, is (co-)-author of about 250 articles and chapters in books, and was supervisor of about 25 PhD theses. He was involved in the organisation of the physics programme of many international scientific meetings, and faculty member of numerous courses dealing with various aspects of radiotherapy for medical physicists, radiation oncologists and radiation therapists, both at the national and international level. He received the ESTRO Breur Gold Medal and Emmanuel van der Schueren Award.