Begoña Vigo Arrazola Editor

Begoña Vigo Arrazola is Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at Zaragoza University, Spain. She is on the organizing committee of the Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference and as convenor of the nework 19 of ethnography in the European Educational Research Association. She is a member in the board of the journal Ethnography and Education. Her research focusses on social justice, inclusive education, disadvantage spaces, teacher education, and ethnography.

Jonathan Tummons is Professor in the School of Education at Durham University, UK. He sits on the organizing committee of the Oxford Ethnography and Education Conference and is deputy editor of the journal Ethnography and Education. His research explores a variety of contexts including workplaces, technical colleges, and universities, describing processes of learning and education but also challenging discriminatory attitudes towards particular forms of provision. To do this, he both draws on the work of Bruno Latour alongside sociocultural theories of cognition. His new book Communities of Practice in Higher Education: learning, teaching, and research is published by Routledge.