Becky Zingale Author

Becky Zingale is married to Duane, who has a genetic condition called Treacher Collins Syndrome (TCS). They have two beautiful daughters, one of whom has TCS just like her Dada. To hear, they both wear bone-anchored hearing aids (BAHAs). Becky likes to find creative solutions to solve problems, so she makes and sells custom softbands and accessories for BAHAs at TheBahaBowtique on Etsy. Becky also blogs at, sharing inspiring stories that encourage families to thrive through life’s challenges.  Becky’s husband, Duane, has a great sense of humor and loves to be in the spotlight. He is a digital marketing consultant and helps people create connections through sharing their stories. Duane has been encouraging Becky to write children’s books to share the stories of their family and friends, and finally, here it is!  Laurentiu Dumitru lives to draw and create. This is the easiest way to express himself. His life is defined by art. He is a spiritual person, introvert and shy. He loves watching movies and going on trips. Laurentiu loves nature and is fascinated with animals, growing up in the countryside of Romania.