Beate Hilbig Author

Eveline Hetty-Burkart works as a freelance editor and author for magazine and book publishers. Although crochet is her favorite needle-art, her field of work includes a wide variety of handicraft techniques from design to creative implementation to instructions. She is co-author of The New Crochet Stitch Dictionary.

Beate Hilbig studied fine arts in Nürtingen and worked as a freelance artist, designer, and author for many years. She has extensive handicraft skills in crocheting, knitting, and embroidery.

Bėatrice Simon worked as a translator of handicraft books, and her long-standing passion for everything to do with wool and needles led her to begin designing crochet items. Since 2007 she has been blogging in French and German about her love of crochet as “lilli-croche,” in memory of her dear aunt Lilli, who taught her to crochet. She resides in Brittany, France.