Bas Pedroli Author

Teresa Pinto-Correia is a Portuguese Geographer, with a record of publications on the dynamics and change of European rural landscapes at multiple scales. She develops her research now with focus on the dynamics of agricultural landscapes in the Mediterranean, and how they are affected by different sets of drivers, between production, consumption and protection, creating tensions but also synergies. She coordinates an interdisciplinary research group and she is Director of a research unit with more than 100 researchers, centred on Mediterranean agriculture and environment, aiming to contribute to the sustainability of the production systems and their related ecosystems and landscapes. Jørgen Primdahl is professor in Countryside Planning and Management at IGN, University of Copenhagen. His background is landscape architecture with a Ph.D. in landscape planning and planning theory. His main research interest is the agricultural landscape (patterns, functions, and change), public policy and spatial planning. He has published extensively on rural landscapes. In 2010 he co-edited Globalisation and Agricultural Landscapes: Change Patterns and Policy Trends in Developed Countries (Cambridge) and in 2017 he co-authored: Landscape Analysis: Mapping the Character and Potential of Space. Bas Pedroli is a senior researcher at Wageningen Environmental Research and associate professor at Wageningen Universiteit, The Netherlands (Land Use Planning Group), holding a Ph.D. in landscape ecology. He is strongly involved in research and education related to the implementation of the European Landscape Convention and to land use management. He is Director of UNISCAPE and an active member of various other European scientific and NGO networks. He has published many research papers and edited several scientific books. He is engaged enthusiastically in supporting policies for land use and landscape management and nature conservation planning from a sustainable development perspective.