Barry Glick Author

Dr Barry Glick received his PhD from Syracuse University in 1972. Trained as a counseling psychologist, Dr. Glick has devoted his professional career to the development of policies, programs, and services for adolescents. His areas of specialization include juvenile delinquency, aggression and violence, youth gangs, and adolescent emotional disturbance. Dr. Glick has worked in both private child care agencies and state government in the capacity of child care worker, psychologist, administrator, manager, and agency executive staff. Previously Associate Deputy Director for Local Services, New York State Division for Youth, he is currently an international consultant to juvenile and adult correctional systems, educational systems, and mental health systems. He is first author of Cognitive Behavioral Interventions That Work with At-Risk Youth (Vols. 1 & 2; Civic Research Institute, 2006, 2009) and two American Correctional Association Press books: No Time to Play: Youthful Offenders in Adult Systems (1999), and Recess Is Over: A Handbook for Managing Youthful Offenders in Adult Systems (2001). He is coauthor of the first and second editions of Aggression Replacement Training (Research Press, 1987, 1998) and The Prosocial Gang (Sage, 1994). Dr. Glick also co-developed Thinking for a Change, a multimodal cognitive-behavioral intervention sponsored by the National Institute of Corrections. He serves on several editorial boards; is a member emeritus of the National Gangs Advisory Committee; holds the position of University Scholar at the University of Cincinnati; and is a nationally certified counselor, approved clinical supervisor, and licensed mental health counselor.

Dr John C. Gibbs, PhD (Harvard University, 1972), is a professor of developmental psychology at The Ohio State University, USA. He has been a member of the State of Ohio Governor's Council on Juvenile Justice and is a faculty associate of The Ohio State University Criminal Justice Research Center. His work has focused on developmental theory, assessment of social cognition and moral judgment development, and interventions with conduct-disordered adolescents. A coauthor on the second edition of Aggression Replacement Training (Research Press, 1998), he is first author of The EQUIP Program (1995) and coauthor of The EQUIP Program Implementation Guide (2001). His other books include EQUIP for Educators (Research Press, 2005), Moral Development and Reality: Beyond the Theories of Kohlber, Hoffman, and Haidt (3rd ed.; Oxford University Press, in press) and Moral Maturity: Measuring the Development of Sociomoral Reflection (Erlbaum/Taylor & Francis, 1992).