Barbara Maria Sageidet Editor

Barbara Maria Sageidet is a professor of Natural Science at the Department of Early Childhood Education, at the University of Stavanger (UiS). She has a PhD in soil and environmental sciences from the Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU), Ås, related to paleoecology and soil micromorphology. Her research relates to natural science, natural science didactics and sustainability in kindergarten, and to environmental citizenship, with interests for soil literacy, urban gardens, and urban childhood.

Daniela Müller-Eie is a professor of City and Regional Planning at the Department of Safety, Economics, and Planning at the University of Stavanger, and holds a PhD in architecture/urban sustainability from Glasgow University. Her research generally focuses on the interaction between the physical environment, planning measures, socio-cultural conditions, and psychological factors. More specifically, she studies sustainable urban mobility and travel behaviour, and related incentives.

Kristiane Marie Fjaer Lindland is an associate professor in Change Management at the Department of Media and Social Sciences and is currently pro-dean for Research and Innovation at the Faculty of Social Sciences. She holds a PhD in Management from the University of Stavanger. Her research areas stretch from innovation, design, leadership and organization to energy justice, citizen involvement and sustainability. What characterizes her approach to these themes is a relational and processual understanding of reality.