Barbara Lutz Author & Editor

Sarah Dornhof (Dr.) is a postdoctoral fellow at Freie Universität Berlin. Nanne Buurman (M.A.) is a doctoral candidate in Art History at Freie Universität Berlin. Birgit Hopfener (Dr. phil.) is Associate Professor at Carleton University, Ottawa, CA. Barbara Lutz (Dr. phil.) is a cultural scientist and works as an art mediator for documenta fifteen in 2022. She was a member of the doctoral study program »Produktionsräume Ästhetischer Praxis« at the University of Hildesheim Foundation and gained her PhD at the Institute of Theory at the Academy of Fine Arts Leipzig. With a critical regard to social and cultural discrimination her work focuses on concepts and methods of transculturality in the field of exhibition practice and art mediation in a global context.