Barbara Klug Redman Author

Barbara Klug Redman, PhD, MBE, BSN, has been Dean and Professor, Wayne State University, College of Nursing since 1998. Her honors include Fellow in Medical Ethics, Harvard Medical School (1994-5), and Visiting Fellow Kennedy Institute of Ethics, Georgetown University (1993-4). She was Executive Director, American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) from 1983-1989 and Executive Director, American Nurses Association/American Nurses Foundation from 1989-1994. She held the M. Adelaide Nutting Chair in Clinical Nursing, Johns Hopkins University from 1993-1995. Dr. Redman has received 17 funded research grants, published numerous articles in peer-reviewed journals, and has authored seven books, including Practice of Patient Education: A Case Study Approach (2006), Advances in Patient Education (2004), Patient Self-Management of Chronic Disease: The Health Care Providers Challenges (2003), and Measurement Tools in Patient Education, 2nd edition (2002). She was also Series Editor for eleven books in specialized areas of patient education (1981-1984), and she has served on the editorial boards of Journal of Nursing Education, Journal of Professional Nursing, and The Diabetes Educator, and has reviewed for other major nursing journals. Dr. Redman consults nationally and presents internationally.